Not Anymore

Feels like i wrote these for the future…..
the me now….

A Girl's heart

I was a novice in the game

Not anymore

I let my words go before my actions

I say before I think

I take before I give

The girl I was couldn’t fly

I let my wings be stepped on

Oh! not anymore

I let my feelings crush the woman in me

I let the crowd take my authority

I was afraid to take what’s mine

Right now……

I refuse to be used

I refuse to be a slave

I refuse to be a coward

Yeah… I was like a flower crushed to earth

I couldn’t stand up for what’s right

I let people decide for me


The girl I was is not the lady I am and isn’t gonna be the woman I’m yet to become

The world was my dictator,


A slave to my feelings,

A novice to my own dream

That was then


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My Love story

A Girl's heart

So I heard people fall in love and get to spend the rest of their lives with a special person.

Some fall in love and realize it isn’t love, then break up.

I’ve always wondered if it was reality or just fiction, like in the novels and movies.

I’ve never had to feel a special bond with anyone, which makes my interaction with the opposite sex a lot easy.

No feeling of romance and fantasy, just friendship.

What exactly could love be????

Do you hear music like the movies says or you feel this rush of wind when you sight someone like the novels described???

I’ve come to learn that; when you are in love, you actually feel something.

To me…..

Love is caring,

Love is respect,

Love is giving.

Love is a seed to be nurtured, it grows slowly and blooms.

Love withers, reason while it needs care and…

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My thoughts exactly

O at the Edges


That it shudders through
and presages an untimely end,

that it transforms the night’s
body and leaves us

breathless and wanting,
petals strewn about,

messenger and message in one,
corporeal hosts entwined,

that it moves, that it blends,
that it withdraws and returns without

remorse, without forethought, that it
increases, expands, subtracts,

renders, imposes and releases
in one quick breath, saying

I cannot feel but I touch,
I cannot feel

* * *

“Wind” first appeared in Blue Hour Magazine and is included in my first chapbook, If Your Matter Could Reform.


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Gili Trawangan, Indonesia

One Life, One World

As you may know Lombok and the Gili Islands had recently been hit with an earthquake. They are still trying to recover from the damages caused.I have preivously been to the Gili Islands back in 2016 and arriving in 2018 after the quake. I can see the amount of damage it has caused, it was quite upsetting. Some buildings that were fully functional before and no longer even standing. Despite this the islanders are still doing there very best to carry on and they are doing a very good job of it! 

In Ubud there are plently of places to book a trip to the Gili Islands and more often than not they include transfer to and from the Padang Bai (the pier). We paid 450k IDR each and that included hotel pickup from Ubud to Padang Bai and from Padang Bai to Kuta (or wherever you would like to go).

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