The choices we make most times attracts more than we can manage
I know choices are like the way feel we are in control, But we end up not being able to control them.
At times I wonder why God allows us to have the gift of choices but who am I to question?
I once wrote a post about making decisions that might affect others.

I made lots of decisions in life and I don’t regret any because they were all processes in getting to where I am today and becoming ME. I chose to learn from all.
I made a few about two years ago.
I made a decision to live life to the fullest and just live in the present.
Catch all the fun now, tomorrow might not be given.
Yes, I did and I enjoyed every bit of it while learning a series of lessons along the way.
I just wish I had been more patient before making them.

Now that I think about it, In my post LIVE WELL
I spoke about living well while being mindful of the decisions we make.

I can say plainly now,  I didn’t follow my posts and my initial plan, let’s say I kinda compromised a lot in the past year.
I wrote about learning from every experience in my post EXPERIENCE
Let’s just say that was what happened.

It’s all funny how you can have different decisions and make funny choices, even when you had a plan laid out from childhood.
I’m not saying they turn out bad… I just marvel at how life turns our situations around and we end up compromising differently from our original plans.


That’s what I’m saying, getting to love the direction so much and compromise all for IT.
At times these directions are different from our proposed ones because they are how we were supposed to go, but when we begin to bend and compromise, it might make the journey a little longer than it should.

While we compromise a lot for our choices, I would advise we learn not to compromise our beliefs with it.
It always comes back to haunt and taunt you, and trust me if you’re not standing well, you end up blaming yourself, everyone connected and GOD.

The gift of choices was given to humanity for reasons beyond our reasoning, and we just have to make the most of it in a good way.
Your happiness is undividedly dependent your choice
The way you choose to live your life is uniquely yours
But be careful of making certain choices, because of the future ahead of you.
Some choices might take away the beauty of life’s funny directions.

I’ve discovered a lot from my choices this past year, and I can boldly say NEVER WOULD I COMPROMISE MY BELIEFS AGAIN (or try to bend some)

Even though I can’t really share my story here about all that happened and what concluded my thought in this direction, I hope we all have that courage to doublecheck our choices with our beliefs in GOD and not just rely on our mind to lead us right.

The MIND is tricky.

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