My experience

Learning they say comes in different ways.

I feel we learn most through our personal experiences and mistakes.

Not because of what we hear or see in others life.

The funny thing is, we criticize others mistakes and still go ahead to make the same mistakes.

Here’s an illustration…..

The exact situation Mr A found himself last year and was criticized by Mr B for the way Mr A handled it, Mr B also had the same problem this year… Well another Mr criticized him too

And there it keeps going, on and on

The world might expect you to learn from others mistakes… It’s just doesn’t work attimes.

Experience is indeed the best teacher, ‘cos then you know how it feels, know why it happened and reason.

My personal experience is what makes me who I am… Not the experience of others. This I’ve learnt a while ago.

I mean if we truly learn from others mistakes and experiences….. Why do people still talk about having to go through mistakes before getting to the top every time.

I’ve heard of lots of founders and Ceo’s always talking about how many times they had to fail, make mistakes and build from them

Then I wonder…. They should have just learnt from someone who came before them and have a smoother beginning.

And one thing is certain, alot of people are still going to say the same thing again.

I just feel it’s a personal thing.

Every individual has his/her own story.

Also, your experience will either make you or mare you, depending on your response to it.

You’re free to make mistakes, but the way you go about making those mistakes is what makes you stronger and better.

My experience is the best way I learn.

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