Default mentality

Lately, I’ve been doing lots of research on the mindset.

Talking to people around me and listening to them talk about general stuffs

It kinda dawned on me that more than 60% of us still have what I call default Mentality

What do I mean by that?????

We’ve been programmed from childhood to have a particular trend in which we think in our everyday lives.

Either by our parents, neighbors, teachers or people we’ve had opportunities to relate with.

Be it educationally, spiritually even emotionally.

When we are supposed to think things through, we become too lazy to start.. Instead we go for what we’ve been defaulted to think.

Default mentality…. It’s just there.. Instilled in us

Helping us think our way out of every situation, creating a block to our individual mindset.

Nooooo you can’t do that.. If you do it’s going to end up this way…

Nooooo this is how it has always been…

That’s the way it usually goes.

We just have to follow the old way

Default mentality.

What if we stop following the default mentality.. And have our personal mentality

Have a different way of thinking, not following the crowd, standing out with our own mindset

Changing our way of thinking.

I mean maybe we should try that out, we’ve been following the default mentality for a long time… Let’s see what our individual mentality creates.

It’s true we have the freedom to talk, but I realize we still don’t have the freedom to think

We voice out what we’ve been defaulted to think.

Imagine you’re given a note pad to write out your personal thoughts… I’m sure alot of us would ask for an extra pad…

Time to act or voice out what’s on the pad, most of us would rather not say… Someone like me would even deny having anything on my pad.

We just say… Oh let’s just follow the way it’s always been

Before we follow a particular trend or mindset… Let’s wait for a minute and check if it’s actually the best.

Take just a moment to think about all the stuffs you’ve been defaulted to think.

What do you think about all?

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