Helping hands

Just wondering……… A drop of water cannot actually make an ocean

A person can’t do it all, each of us needs someone to help us reach a certain goal.

It’s not okay, when you want to do everything yourself, give others the opportunity to show their talent, share their ideas and make something.

A company can’t run with the ceo alone, he needs others to make it grow, hence the name company

You need the company of others

Share your thoughts and ideas together with people who will help you grow

If Steve Jobs had kept his ideas all for himself… I’m not sure people will be using Apple gadgets today.

Even God supports companionship….

  • He made a woman out of a man to assist him
  • He shared Moses spirit with seventy elders, so he won’t have to do it all alone
  • Jesus had his disciples
  • Ever wondered why we have God the father, the son and the holy spirit?????? (thoughts for another day)

All I’m trying to say is that…. Never think you alone can achieve anything without someone’s help.

We all need a helping hand

Let’s come together to help and support one another,

You can’t refuse to help someone and expect to grow???? I mean who you be 😂

Doesn’t work that way.

Some people will even see opportunities that will be useful for a friend and keep mute…. And I’ll be like… Really????

The world cannot be a better place for everyone if nobody’s is helping anybody. That’s stagnation!

Just like a woman is needed to carry a child, you need someone’s help to give birth to your dreams.


Let the lord use you today for someone.

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